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 525th Military Surveillance Brigade (Airborne)

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Messages : 553
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2010

525th Military Surveillance Brigade (Airborne) Empty
MessageSujet: 525th Military Surveillance Brigade (Airborne)   525th Military Surveillance Brigade (Airborne) I_icon_minitimeDim 10 Avr - 3:36


Voici un SSI de la 525th Military Surveillance Brigade (Airborne) (anciennement 525th Military Intelligence Brigade jusqu'en 2006)
Modèle Subdued, avec son Title AIRBORNE.
Fils nylon à l'arrière.

"By 2000, the 525th Military Intelligence Brigade (Airborne) provided intelligence analysis and collection support to XVIII Corps. The mission of the 525th Military Intelligence Brigade was to provide rapidly deployable all-source predictive intelligence, electronic warfare intelligence, communications support, reconnaissance and surveillance, target acquisition, battle damage assessment, and command and control warfare support to the XVIII Corps in support of world-wide contingency operations. The 525th Military Intelligence Brigade (Airborne) was the only rapidly deployable Military Intelligence Brigade in the United States Army, able to deploy soldiers, along with equipment, to anywhere in the world in 18 hours.

The Brigade Headquarters and Headquarters Company and 2 Battalions, the 319th Military Intelligence Battalion (Operations) (Airborne) and the 519th Military Intelligence Battalion (Tactical Exploitation) (Airborne), were stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. A third, the 224th Military Intelligence Battalion (Aerial Exploitation), was at Hunter Army Airfield, Georgia. The 325th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army Reserve, was headquartered in Hartford, Connecticut, and was "wartraced" to the Brigade"

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525th Military Surveillance Brigade (Airborne)
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